Saturday, February 26, 2011

My son just ran his first marathon

Totally of his own initiative!! I don't want to forget these moments...

*Shawners saying no less than ten times how much fun it was

*Shawners saying the best part was crossing the finish line and having the people hand him his medal and that he didn't even have to stop running

*Shawners loving that his medal is real metal and not plastic like his sports trophies and racecar derby medals

*Shawners saying the best part was getting the medal and having a kid hand him a bottle of water as he want by

*The feeling of pride in my heart and the tears welling up in my eyes as a result as I watched Shawners run by

*Shawner's leadership as we waited to be called from the stands and how he moved us to a group that was called at least half an hour to an hour ahead of the original group we stood in

*Shawner's leadership leading me through the crowd as I silently had a claustrophobic panic and anxiety attack from all the people

*Shawner's letting me know he was embarrassed that I was hanging onto his shirt but that it was okay because I was nervous and didn't want to get stuck far behind him

*Shawner's letting me know he would be embarrassed if I ran with him since he's a third grader and only kindergarten through second had to have a parent run with them, but that it would be okay if I did

*Shawner's leadership in arranging a spot to meet up after the finish line so we wouldn't lose each other

*Hearing him say over and over and over how much fun it was

*Letting him know there are other kid marathons if he wanted to continue running mararthons

*His initiative to join the running club and run this marathon today all on his own

*His excitement about continuing to run

*Realizing I would've never made it to a marathon, even one I wasn't running without him, because of my claustrophobia with the sheer number of people

*Realizing now that he's taken the initiative I could possibly do it again on my own

*So, so, SO proud of him for running his first marathon

*So, so, SO happy he's so very happy about it

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