Thursday, June 23, 2011

Worn the eff out

Doing those flowers combined with dealing with the emotions of gaining a new niece who I'm not entirely sure of mostly because she is super unfriendly and none of us are sure why took everything out of me this weekend. I curled up in bed and cried for an hour Tuesday night, which got it all out, and now I'm just resting and taking it easy to get back my energy for the rest of the summer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Katy Perry Sadness

So I may have to sell my Katy Perry concert tickets in lieu of a trip to Cali. So sadness!! Maybe I'll make some money on them, though, and fund a shopping trip in Cali ;) .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

She has a new place

I can still barely contain the urge to cry, but it's a beach house, a block away from the beach. There's no crying about that! It's the perfect size for her and Brando's grandpa. And there's room for the boys to run around and go hang out at the beach - it's that close. But I still cry a little inside for the house Brando and his brother grew up in that I was *just* getting to really know (isn't it funny how you always really get to know something when it's about to be gone).

The pictures online are pretty but aren't *her*. I have to remind myself when she moves in she will make it her. Her with new things since she sold everything else, but her none the less and not somebody else's weird crap.

Still trying to fight back the urge to cry.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Had to jot this one down

SO true!

Comment on OUAL:

Your manners are way impressive. Can you share a little of your motivation? And this quote is absolutely perfect, and has been so true of so many places for us " I love companies that love their customers  -  THAT’S how you create loyalty.".

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Okay seriously nothing better than margaritas at Chiptole, toasted sex with your other whose willpower to not make another baby impresses the hell out of you and reminds you of why the hell you married him, and being treated to your favorite candy of Sixlets on the way home from a failed attempt at a low cost vaccination clinic for your two slobbery crazy dogs with your little mini-man.

Drunk post. Obvs.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ice cream in the middle of the day?

I think so.

And here I was wondering why I am SO tired. That's what I get for staying up til' 2am watching So You Think You Can Dance. On that note, man the dancers from San Francisco were WEIRD. Reminds me why I left California. Sigh. And reminds me why as much as I want to move back, I don't. I love to experience life so much that I just wouldn't stay away from all the weird stuff Cali does to my head (like one of my sister's good friends sleeping with another of their good friends husband for six years and JUST finding out; and like a Christian home-school Mom becoming an alcoholic and sleeping with her cousin - yuck, seriously; and these are people I personally know. There are normal people, too, but they usually are the ones who can afford a neighborhood out of all that junk but still close enough to be near a city, though! We'd be a renter amongst all that other crap or a little bit too far out of the city, and way far away from the beach for my liking.

Last Day of School

And I can't quite wrap my head around it. This was hands down one of the top school years the boys had. Shawner's teachers bring tears to my eyes when I think of him not being in their class anymore. Justin's awesome group of friends brings tears to my eyes when I think about them not being in the same classroom anymore.

What an incredible year.

I am so grateful.