Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jobs biography part 3

"Nature loves simplicity and unity." So did Steve Jobs.
Legacy, pg 561

"Someone whose insights come out of the blue and require intuition more than mere mental processing power. Like a pathfinder, he could absorb information, sniff the winds, and sense what lay ahead."
Legacy, pg 566

"Some people say, "Give the customers what they want." But that's not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, "If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, 'A faster horse!'" People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page."
Legacy, pg 567

"The reason that Apple resonates with people is there's a deep current of humanity in our innovation."
Legacy, pg 567

"I think great artists and great engineers are similar, in that they both have a desire to express themselves. In fact some of the best people working on the original Mac were poets and musicians on the side... Great artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were also great at science."
Legacy, pgs 567-568

Legacy, pg 570