Monday, July 26, 2010

I love...

*going boating, ATVing, to Blue Hole, paddle boarding, Sculpture Falls, to Cheesecake Factory, to see Eclipse, and to Mandola's Italian Market for and around my birthday

*my fun birthday gifts from girlfriends who know me so well - three dresses which I've been dying for cute, fun dresses this summer, lots of perfectly me jewelry with big earrings, long necklaces, and gold hoops which I've so needed, chocolate, and a bathing suit

*my birthday gifts from my sons of chocolate, flowers, and a Hoops & YoYo stuffed creature with stuffed letter blocks that spell out N-I-C-E attached to it that says, "You're so nice. In the dictionary under nice, there's a picture of you! Isn't that great?"

*my birthday gift from my hubby of a massage which I can't wait to take him up on and enjoy a nice, long romantic dinner at the Driskill afterwards

*my oldest son going off to camp for a week and coming home with only a black eye and no broken bones

*my oldest calling me after hospital visit for said incident and interrupting his spiel about camp to ask me, "Mom, can we get a ranch with lots of horses? Or at least four, one for each of us."

*my youngest spending two days and nights with his Auntie Wyn and having her text me what a good job I'm doing with him, and how encouraging he is and how he must've gotten that from somewhere. And hearing his voicemail talking about how he's letting me know he's spending another night and he's sweeping the shop and earning coins from different countries and he loves me and he hopes daddy has a good day doing work stuff

*going to women's leadership meetings and sitting back and absorbing the impact of amazing women who seek to make a difference and who have already made who knows how much difference in countless lives

*being able to celebrate Goldilocks' 30th with her

*seeing good friends and being able to see their faces for a few hours

*good friends to have brunch and coffee with

*taking Shawners to pottery class

*having summer home with my boys

*watching my oldest volunteer with toddlers at church

*my amazing, sexy hubby who brings me chocolate, tells me how beautiful I am, and loves going on dates with me because it makes me feel loved and happy

*girls night with amazing dinners and even better company

*the comfort level of talking to my sister by being on the phone with her while we both go about our business - mine of reading blogs, and hers of organizing the garage

*showers in the afternoon

*thunderstorms while getting ready for the evening