Saturday, February 5, 2011


I don't really know if it's possible to love another blogger you've never met, but this comes close. BitchCakes started her blog when she weighed 200 pounds and still looked amazing. She now weighs 134 and works out more than any person I have ever met. Recently she climbed the stairs of the Empire State building. The words she writes to encourage, inspire, and motivate herself are priceless to anybody working towards any goal. Instead of beating herself up, she gives herself the okay - even for months at a time, and knows she can start back up at any place she desires.

I've been meaning to post her blog for several weeks now, but GFF's recent post finally pushed me to do it. We ALL have different ways of doing things, my bf KT absolutely loves to work out and she wouldn't give that up for the world. She loves the way it makes her feel. I am the opposite. I despise working out, unless it's with a friend, and would gladly eat the healthiest I can in order to avoid the workout room as much as possible though I definitely still need working out for definition and cardio for my tummy! In addition, I love the way eating healthy makes me feel. But it's okay that she's different from me. I have another girlfriend who goes up and down from being exactly my size, is the same height, and has always weighed 20 pounds more than me. The reason she goes up in size? She's been working out even more than she usually does and her legs get bigger - she's a workout fiend, too. I have other friends who control their portions, never look at the scale, and that's how they maintain their size. It takes all kinds of different people to make up this world, as my bf KT would say, and that is absolutely okay.

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