Thursday, January 31, 2013

And done.

SOOO ready for vacay!!! After wrapping up 30+ complete pages for the yearbook, making sure January events are covered by photographers, replacing a photographer who dropped the ball for not one, but two grades, filling in holes that particular photographer left, alerting photographers about February events, holding a layout meeting for the layout team, spending twelve days organizing the making, fitting, and financing of 28 hoods for Shawner's school play with an amazing mom who took on sewing all 28 hoods but also highly medicated and perfectionist wanting to do everything herself with only myself volunteering (NOT my original intention - I organize volunteers, that's what I do) amidst all that, volunteering for Justinbustin's school in the middle of all that as well, plus all my regular Wednesday folders, library volunteering, and running the boys to and from, as well as the happy surprise of steam cleaning the carpets three times this month from our lovely puppies - the last time being today, has me EXHAUSTED. So, SO ready for vacay!!

Oh, looking back through my posts, other things done this month: lacrosse orientation for Justinbustin, SATs for Justinbustin, Shawner's multiple rehearsals and final performance - I ended up seeing the play five times by the time it was over, and math club for Shawner's. Probably forgetting quite a few... oh, yeah! The whole family being sick for a week. How could I forget that? And this is ALL after winter break ended on the 7th. Whew. No wonder I took a nap by the pool. I realize I'm sleeping HARD when I drool lol.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Hit me just now that the crazy moms are the same crazy highschool girls. They didn't automatically not become mothers. Nope, they're mixed right in with the normal down to earth moms, thus making those normal down to earth ones once again hard to find. Only now they're busier making them even harder to find.


SATs this morning for Justinbustin. Sending up a prayer for clarity, calm, and hard work.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Where I took my nap today


Crazy people/strong personalities have such a pull because they say whatever is on their mind and share their life story with no prodding, but man they're a bitch when they turn on you. Funny how I recognize things when I have the extreme thrown in my face.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Random Dreams

Note to a friend, D, about a dream about her - decided not to send it to her but blog it instead lol:

I was actually all sad because you had been swept up into a crazy three week going out streak with another friend of mine who I had turned down going downtown with the other night. You were all worn out and tired, and I totally felt responsible for introducing you to her!! LOL. I have been having dreams with the most random people in them lately. You aren't so random - the other friend was since I just met her. Other dreams have had parents from Justin's 3rd grade class, and others ex-boyfriends from when I was 16?! Usually I'm pretty good at figuring out what dreams mean or what subconscious is bringing them up, but these are throwing me for a loop.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Not feeling so good. Been thru a round each of the boys and now it's my turn. I think. I don't know. Now I understand why Brando kept asking if he was sick when he came home sick from work Monday... Ugh. I wish I would throw up already to stop feeling this way.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SO true - from an Open Letter to Taylor Swift

The best part is if you make the choice the butterflies do come back, and even stronger than those initial attraction butterflies. It takes going thru the choice over and over again at different times and stages of life to get there each time, though.