Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wow. So, so low. My diet today has consisted of a kids clif bar, the rest of a box of cereal honey ohs, and two glasses of wine.

Missing my family like mad. Missing living near them on top of it all.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Texts to Brando

Me: You make my skies clear.
Him: You are my sun stars and sky!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Love when my husband asks where I am by saying, "Sexy panties?"

Okay, fine. I will leave pinterest for that. Again. ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Random Arse Thoughts

*So many things I did today, and it's only 12:30pm... in order of appearance:

*Woke up at 6am and left the house at 6:15am to take Shawners to get birthday donuts for school
*Came home for Shawners to get a stuffed animal for stuffed animal and pajama day at school
*Took Shawners to school, walked in with him, and took pictures of pajama day - so cute
*Listened to Shawners tell his friends he didn't have pajamas, and tell me he wishes he did when they sleep in their clothes any way because they want to be ready to go in the morning
*Stopped by Walmart to get Shawners pajamas and got interrupted from a call by KT in a middle of a breakdown
*Went over to KTs to make sure she was okay for the day instead
*Went home and picked up Justinbustin to take to school
*Dropped Justinbustin off
*Volunteered at Justinbustin's school library
*Received a $5 gift certificate to the book fair from the librarian as a thank you
*Spent the $5 gift certificate on a birthday book for Shawners
*In between all the volunteering and dropping off draft, write, and send an email to the robotics parents taking responsibility for not being clear about me bringing snacks at the beginning of the semester and taking that cost on as a wash and adjusting snacks as bring your own for the rest of the year, unless someone has other options
*Also in between all the volunteering having the principal's secretary give me money for one of the kid's on our team's award plaque
*Find Justinbustin and give him my credit card for the book fair that closes at noon his class is visiting today
*Go home for a sec
*Pick up Brando at the mechanics
*Go to lunch with Brando where we proceeded to argue throughout lunch on a misunderstanding that ended with me in tears over my feelings being hurt and him apologizing up the wazoo.
*Went by Krispy Kreme for a pumpkin spice donut
*Came home to enjoy my yummy donut (normally I very much dislike donuts but these are soooo yummy) and Starbucks I bought yesterday
*Texted Brando, "Thanks for lunch. I'm so happy you came in my life." (lyric I can't find the song that it's from, but which song I LOVE)
*About to run back to Walmart now for those pajamas
*So much for working today. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

text love

Lately, I have been texting Brando song lyrics I hear on the radio that make me think of him. I thought about how much it makes me smile when KT texts me throughout the day about how amazing I am, or how her day is going beautifully, or how she hopes my day goes beautifully and wanted to pass those kinds of feelings on to Brando, too. The only problem is he doesn't respond to normal girl chatter and it's too much on his day to have to respond to certain things.

So when I hear a lyric on the radio that makes me think of him I text it to him:

'You make me go la la la la la.'

'You're so amazing.'

'I'm your it girl, and you're my it boy.'

He always texts back so sweetly. His reply to that last one was, "I'm not sure what that means, but I like it."

This morning I texted him:

'You're stuck inside my head like my favorite tune.'

And he texts back:

'I love you more daily.'

Instant heart melt.
Ooh, look what I got in my email this morning:

Thank you for choosing AT&T and iPhone!
You can access your Customer Service Summary (CSS) for your iPhone account at any time by  logging into your wireless account.*

Your CSS outlines AT&T services, charges and policies for your iPhone account including:
  • Charges on your AT&T bill
  • Your rate plan for iPhone**
  • Voicemail information
  • AT&T policies and much more
Note: If your Customer Service Summary (CSS) does not display, make sure you have Adobe Acrobat® Reader®.

Thank you for choosing AT&T.

*If your CSS does not display, make sure you have Adobe Acrobat® Reader® installed. Download Acrobat Reader for free.
**An eligible data plan for iPhone is required. This data plan covers data usage in the U.S. and does not cover international data usage and charges. If it is determined that you are using iPhone without an eligible data plan, AT&T reserves the right to add an eligible data plan to your account and bill you the appropriate monthly fee.


Pretty sure that means I've 'guessed' the surprise Brando's had for me since last week. He told me he went in last week to get me a 'surprise' but didn't have all the right pieces to make it happen. I've been bugging about him since, asking him what it is, because I can't stand surprises. I like the surprise, but the not knowing part eats at me.

Eek! I'm super ecstatic and holding my breath to see if that's what it really is, especially after Allison just got her new 'best friend' ;) .

Crossing my fingers it WON'T mess up my arm again. I will have to be super disciplined in using Siri and leaving it alone other than that. Pinning is ONLY allowed on my computer! ;) .

Update: It was! It was!! The knock on my door just now was the small little box of simplicity that Apple is so famous for. Can't WAIT to try face time with my cousin! And Siri!! SO excited. Most of all I'm looking forward to Cloud and being able to integrate all of my calendars. I'm actually a little nervous that I might not be able to keep up with how efficient an iPhone makes me again. I am definitely going to ease up and limit myself on play time as I love, love, LOVE looking around and enjoying life with my dumb phone when everybody else is on their cell phones. It makes me appreciate EVERYthing much, much more. And I love not having to think about the God complex i.e. 'let me look it up on my iphone', 'i'll just check my email for that information', or 'we can look it up right now'. I really, really want to just use it as a mobile computer and not EVERY chance I get to look something up, especially in the middle of a conversation!! So that is my goal.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

OH MY GOSH SO SO SO SO SO SO FREAKIN' PROUD!!! Justinbustin and his robotics team took first place in core values (essentially teamwork and sportsmanship) today at their robotics tournament and got invited to go to regionals in January!!! I am SO SO SO SO excited!!!

Truthfully, I was looking forward to a HUGE break from robotics after going, going, going the last few months and especially the last few weeks - on top of normal volunteering, work, and life. BUT I am thinking I could run on pure adrenaline from today's tournament until then. I am SO SO proud of them!!

In addition, today's actual tournament wasn't HALF as stressful as last week's practice scrimmage. The scrimmage had fifty people shoving around the tables while the team sent their robots out to do their missions. Today, the tournament was MUCH more organized and only the teams were allowed on the floor with their robots and coaches, and the parents in the bleachers. SO much less stressful without fifty kids shoving around the table.

I did wake up with a stress headache this morning from having nightmares since 3am about forgetting things we needed. Turns out, I did forget two things - the core value (!!) posters we had made, and a kid on the team (!!). But, one of a team member's parents who came called the school vice principal who called a custodian at the school to open the school for them to get the posters, and while they were doing that, I went and picked up the kid who I had forgotten I was supposed to pick up after he texted me, thank goodness. All was well. There was SO MANY other things I did well and DID remember that I couldn't possibly beat myself up for that, as KT and Brando so often reminded me through out the day.

First person I called when we got out was KT. I thanked her for her support these past few weeks when I've sent her texts saying I'm stressed or feeling defeated or worn out. She would text me back how amazing I am for even doing this, how inspiring I am, and what a wonderful thing I am doing. I wish my phone was a smart phone and not a dumb phone so I didn't have to delete everybody's texts and could look back at hers to smile. I still smile when I think about them, though. Everybody needs a best friend like KT. I also told her, shhhhhh, a secret that the core values was my baby, the one I took on because it was a new judging realm this year and nobody seemed to know what to do with it. So I took it on, realizing if it was new and nobody knew what to do with it, I couldn't fail any way. So when the kids won first place in it today I secretly gave myself a pat on the back. I felt that maybe I CAN contribute and maybe I DO have something to offer, as I have been backing off in every other realm except to completely support the coach, send out all emails, do all research, provide all materials, and make suggestions that the coach made the final decision on. Core values is the only one I ran with. Of course, it still wouldn't have happened without the kids and the coach. The kids ARE awesome together and we've been talking the last few days how we haven't had any problems with them, and the coach made several home run suggestions today to do with teamwork. Yet the leading thing was spurred by the thing I came up with and implemented each week. As KT says, I am just "enjoy[ing] the way it makes [me] feel". She's so awesome.

As is my stellar hubby who reminded me this morning as the tournament got rolling and I headed to pick up the other team member, by calling me by name to tell me it's not about what I SHOULD'VE done it's about what I CAN do. I texted him back, "I like when you say my name." and smiled because of his support.

What an amazing, amazing day. Now, I have warned the boys and myself of the down slope after such an amazing adrenaline rush. I am constantly reminding myself so it doesn't hit me too hard!! It already hit Shawners HARD this evening. He is now in bed missing Captain America because of it. He's probably already passed out asleep. If not, I'll go get him in a bit for having a good attitude about going to bed and let him watch a bit.

Justinbustin had a TINY bit of a meltdown. Tiny, big bit, but more Shawners induced, which Brando was put on comedy listening order for the same thing, which I understand. I barely held it together myself while dealing with Shawners on the way home. He finally realized it though and was in sincere tears rather than attitude shouts this evening, so if he's still awake he will see that reward.

And I'm off to finish my port and enjoy the "way it makes me feel" the rest of this evening *smile*.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

not pregnant AGAIN. not that we seriously tried - but we did technically try four times, I was just aware that it wasn't close to ovulation time and figured if I got pregnant it was meant to be. right?? i was SO sad when i started my period yesterday. i really wanted it to be meant to be because i wanted a baby in july before or close to my 31st!!! all my closest friends are born in july, and i realize that's a silly reason to have a baby in july but i don't care. now i'm not going to have a baby when i'm 30 cause we've waited too long!!!!! BOOOOO.

so now to decide if we try and have an august baby (there are very few people i know that i enjoy at. all. who were born after the first third of august) or september or october? I literally know nobody who i get along with who have birthdays in those month (unless you do? let me know if you do!). November is okay, December, too. Maybe I just need to wait a few months. Ahhhh!!!

i realize this is silly, but who ever is ready to have a baby? we won't ever be, so might as well have one now. or two :) . i could have twins and get two out of the way! Lord, would that be awesome :) .