Monday, November 15, 2010

God, I love her (to quote Goldilocks :)

"Have goals for your 30s" - advice for turning 30 from my best friend I've known since elementary school.

After an hour long conversation where she told me, "This is why I love talking to you. I need your confidence", and my reply back to her, "I need YOUR confidence. I am so unconfident right now. I am happy with my hubby and my kids, but I am having a hard time accepting aging. Right now, I'm looking back at pictures from when I met Brando and I am SO much hotter now, lol, so that makes me feel better, but I am having a hard time excepting aging and knowing I am older."

Her response was having goals. I love it. Along with knowing all the turmoil that our twenties were, which is true. At the same time I LOOOOOVED my last few years of my twenties - heck the last four years, but truly I loved that everything came together in the last two. Maybe even more so in the last six months. So. Maybe that's what I look forward to - things are getting better - out of that turmoil my twenties were. Yeah, there's still turmoil, but I'm better at handling it, and I keep getting better (e.g. the moving situation - I learned SOOO much from that).


Can't wait to write them.

Scared and a little nervous - it seems so monumental writing for a decade I'm not quite yet. But can't wait.

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