Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Top Five Benefits from the Fat Flush Plan

1. My skin looks fantastic. I've never had huge problems breaking out, but I certainly didn't have clear skin. Now I have NO problems.

2. I've had so much energy the last couple weeks not drinking any coffee. Way more energy than I ever had with drinking coffee. I actually thought it wasn't possible to be cheery in the morning without coffee and toast, but now I spring out of bed. It feels almost too good to be true.

3. I've lost 8 pounds. My pants fit again!! Bye-bye muffin top.

4. I've learned self control with food again. Going to have to keep working on that one, though. Deserts and fried foods galore in Texas - it's hard to go out and order something that doesn't have lots of carbs, isn't fried, and doesn't contain pork. Fortunately I've discovered quite a few Austin restaurants closer to downtown that don't cater to that cuisine. Unfortunately with those foods, the more I eat the more I want.

5. I've remembered what healthy is. I used to know a long time ago, but in between a full time semester, being a mom of two kids, being a wife and having a house to take care of, I totally forgot what healthy was. I was eating whatever I like, however much I like. My philosophy was I'm already eating bad any way so why not just keep eating bad some more?

Oh, and I just remembered a sixth. My recent constant headaches went away! Unfortunately, the day I reintroduced sugar they came back, so I'm off to try something different for those. But for a solid two weeks while I was strictly on the Fat Flush Plan I was headache free.

On top of doing the Fat Flush Plan, I purchased the Skinnygirl Dish to help keep my mind frame about eating properly. Skinnygirl has some fantastic tips for staying healthy once you get your body detoxed and back to healthy mode. In my opinion any way, the detox should come first. I love her philosophy of picking your splurges. Instead of having beer, desert, cheese, pasta and bread, just pick one. It's awesome, and I've been using it the last couple days. For example Sunday I just had a bite of cake instead of eating the whole cake. I had a glass of champagne as well. Later on instead of having a beer, I had vodka with soda water and lime. I hate to say it, but normally my status quo would've been the whole cake, a glass of champagne, a cocktail, and a shot (it was all offered free), then several beers later. Yikes!!

One tip she has that I forgot to use yesterday but realized afterwards what an awesome tip it is: when you get your drink ask for a lot of ice. Drink your drink slowly and when the ice melts you still get the flavor of the drink but you're actually getting more water than drink. What a great idea for me especially since I'm over the crazy drunk stage.

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