Friday, January 15, 2010

Sooooo not feeling the love lately

I'm loving Allison's bullet point posts lately, so I may steal her idea:

*Lost eight pounds with the Fat Flush Plan by Dr. Ann Louise. Felt AHmazing! I fit in my pants again! Been meaning to post photos of the delicious recipes I've been making on my main blog, but haven't got to it. I feel fantastic! Now to maintain it.

*Brandon lost ten pounds with the same detox plan. Here's to hoping he keeps it off as well.

*Wanting to plan a trip to Hawaii. Super nervous about taking a big trip during school. Regardless, need to buy the tickets so I have something to look forward to and don't back out.

*Feel like last semester aged me three years. But then I look at my previous pictures and I look the same as I do in some of them. Only it seems like I look that way in all my pictures now. Thinking it may be more of a self confidence issue? Need to upload the latest round of pictures and see. Since I've lost weight I feel a little better and maybe my face just had weight on it I wasn't used to.

*As to that weight. Yeah, I put on that freshman eight. Here's to hoping the second semester doesn't do me back in. Rocking the PB&Js this semester for lunch.

*I get bored easily. I'm already bored with school. No, not particularly with school. I loooooove learning. But the IDEA of it I'm totally bored with. Especially that this will be my life for the next 4-5 years or possibly longer. Du-umb. I need to have better time management so I can still live a life and not live in fear of vacations during school time!!

*Speaking of time management, only taking three classes this semester. Made President's Honor Roll last semester taking twelve credits and making all As. But, surprise! Registration opened in October. I was like, "Wha-? Whoa!", signed up hurredly for classes while still studying for exams, then realized I'd signed up with a shit trigonometry professor, and signed up for Art History (which I hear is intense), History II, and Comp II besides. With even the thought of that crazy core load stressing me the hell out, it was stay with the shit trig prof, or take Art History (I have no idea how this prof is). Since this is my first go around at math EVER, I decided I need a good professor in that realm, so I'll take trig this summer with a good professor and went ahead and unregistered for the spring semester class once finals were done and I could clear my head and breathe.

*History II is with my History I professor, so I kinda know what to expect from him. That's nice.

*So unmotivated when the kids are home lately. We've reached an impasse where they don't want to do what I want to do, and I don't want to to do what they want to do so we do nothing. Or rather hang out at the house. I'm trying to learn how to hike where I enjoy it, so I can take them. I think they enjoy that. If not, they darn well better learn how to especially if I have!! I went with my girlfriend on Tuesday and we had a blast. It helped it was a gorgeous day.

*Brando and I are okay. Not bad, not good. When I go out with my girls and see all the creeps at the bar I am sooooo glad to have him to come home to. And then I go out again the next night! No, seriously, I have slowed down on the partying since school started mostly out of necessity and just not feeling it with all the exhaustion of life and school. I've found a group of girls who are single and more than likely staying that way for awhile who love to go to all the free events I love to go to, that are earlier in the evening and usually end with me in bed or at least home at midnight, versus staying out til' 3am in the morning. Can't do that so often anymore. With the stress of school and family, that would REALLY do me in haha.

*Oh, back to Brando and I. Not much more to say there. Trying to work together. Trying to get him into school via a program that turns life experience into school credit. At first he went in kicking and screaming saying he wasn't doing anything for four years until I was done. When he came back out, he was like oh that's not so bad. I could become a student and then just take it slow for a few years. Yesssss!!! (imagine motioning for a truck driver to honk his horn, only do it as a victory pull)

*That's it. School starts next week, and I'm looking forward to it in a nervous, where's my life going to go again sort of way.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, yay for liking my bulleted posts.

    I love those kind because they are easy to write, easy to read and I can be totally random jumping from subject to subject!
