Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring break

Quite an eventful week so far. Kicked off with a Thursday night SXSW party, continued with three SXSW interactives on Saturday, Costco shopping Sunday, helping someone move Monday, hiking Enchanted Rock and my sisters birthday Tuesday, and taking the kids BMXing today. Oh, yeah, and two of those nights Justin spent elsewhere, the other three he had a friend at our house for the nights.. I'm exhausted! I remember the days I used to list every tiny accomplishment because it felt like SO MUCH when I had little ones around to care for 24/7. Now I do a hundred times that in one day because my littles care for themselves in one day, but still it doesn't feel like much. Nothing feels as purposeful as when I'm doing something for my kiddos, which used to be all the time. Now it's in different ways and still 24/7 but not directly.

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