Saturday, March 9, 2013

I Caved.

I'm sick of people comparing their behind the scenes to my highlight reel. Especially when I record them so well and in such detail. My Hawaii photos? I caved to people's insecurities and have made them my own. They're only visible to those reading this (let me know if they're not, and I'll change that), and a few close friends who've requested to see the photos. I use fb for scrapbooking purposes so I really don't care for everyone to see my photos any way. Maybe I should post pictures of the dirty laundry piles like Alyssa, or in my case the pile of clean laundry all over our bed waiting to be folded that ends up getting shoved off back into clean laundry baskets at the end of the night so we can go to bed, along with the corners of things to be decluttered... I had a blog for that once. :) As Alyssa puts it so well, though, and I've said before, who wants to remember the negative? Not I. Therefore, I only take photos in happy moments, and I only post happy moments - the things I *want* to remember.

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